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jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011


In 1946, Walt Disney and Salvador Dalí created the animated short, Destino. Because of misunderstandings between the film it, was left unfinished, but now a team rebuilt the legendary Disney project, which was seen last october at the Film Festival in New York.

In 1937, Dalí wrote to André Breton about their journey to California: "I came to Hollywood and got in touch with the big three American Surrealist bastions: the Marx brothers, Cecil B. DeMille and Walt Disney".

In a partu at the home of the producer Jack Warner in 1945, Disney and Dalí met again the following year, embarked on one of the most unlikely artistic collaborations of the twentieth century: the creator of Mickey Mouse and the painter of dreamlike images joined forces to create the cartoon Destino.

Dalí told the press, that would be "a magic show of the problem of like in the labyrinth of time". Nervously, Disney translated, calling it "just the simple story of a girl searching for her true love". For eight months they worked together, until Disney, citing financial problems due to the war, abandoned the project.

In the 57 years since then, the unfinished animated cartoon has acquired the reputation of a lost materpiece: Target has become a short animation  bordering on legendary. but it is not lost: last October, during the Film Festival in New York, the legend of six and a half minutes finally premiered in the U.S.

The animated short has been reconstructed from paintings and drawings by Dalí by a new generation of filmmakers coordinated by Disney`s nephew, Roy, vice president of the Walt Disney Company, and for which Dalí`s assistant on the original project John Hench, now 95 years old.

This is the short film: Destino

1 comentario:

  1. colleagues,
    DISNEY very interesting article, Dalí and the film Lost
    Salvador Dali did not know he also had cartoons,
    and was the creator of Mickey Mouse,
    very interesting data.
